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Must read - very interesting book about Socotra island
Must read - very interesting book about Socotra island

An extremely interesting book "Island of dragon`s blood" by a British researcher Douglas Botting. The book was published in 1958. Find out what was on Socotra during the time of Sultan.

Socotra in 1918 by The national geographic magazine
Socotra in 1918 by The national geographic magazine

Old photos of Socotra in The national geographic magazine. 1918. "The isle of frankincense" by Charles K.Moses Formerly United States Consul-General to Aden, Arabia.

History Frankincense Photos
Russian archeologists on Socotra - new finds
Russian archeologists on Socotra - new finds

A Yemeni-Russian team that has been working together for five years in Yemen discovered last week a building on Socotra Island that dates back the eighth century A.D.

History Archeology
Historical Background
Historical Background

A long time passed where Yemen was isolated and the Yemenite civilization sites were beyond the interest of archaeologists who studied the sites of oriental ancient civilization.

Yemen History
Petroglyphs in Eriosh
Petroglyphs in Eriosh

Not far from the turning to Dixam you can find old petroglyphs in the place called Eriosh

Eriosh History
Name of Socotra
Name of Socotra

There are many spelling variants of the name of the Island.

History Socotri
Goats have eaten Socotra
Goats have eaten Socotra

Socotra suffers great losses from goats.

Ecology History
The first researcher of Socotran folk music
The first researcher of Socotran folk music

Guido Adler was the first one in studying Socotran folk music.

Music History Culture
Old log canoes
Old log canoes

Many Socotra’s old canoes made of African species of wood are in a quite a good state.

Sea History
Dutch Squadron in Socotra
Dutch Squadron in Socotra

During World War II Socotra was used as a basis for the Dutch squadron.

Т-34 on Socotra
Т-34 on Socotra

In the 1980s USSR was actively supporting South Yemen’s communism movement. As a heritage of that time one can see Soviet tanks T-34 embedded in various parts of the island.

Socotra of the East China Sea
Socotra of the East China Sea

In the central part of the East China Sea there is also Socotra Island. It is interesting to note that both Socotra islands are indirectly related to each other.

Sea History
There were issued special postal stamps for an expedition to Socotra in 1960
There were issued special postal stamps for an expedition to Socotra in 1960

For an Adenese-Socotran expedition, in 1960 there were issued special postage stamps.

History Culture
Dioscorida – the Island of Harmony
Dioscorida – the Island of Harmony

The famous scientist and journalist Mukhammad Megalommatis published an article about Socotra of the “Periplus of the Erythraean Sea” (mid-1st century A.D.) epoch.

History Archeology
1604: Hamlet on Socotra
1604: Hamlet on Socotra

English scientist Brian Lougery states that it was Socotra where a Shakespeare’s play was put on for the first time in the Arab world!

Culture History
Soviet military base has never been established in Socotra
Soviet military base has never been established in Socotra

Soviet military base has never been established in Socotra.

Socotra was the prototype of Prospero Island mentioned in Shakespeare's play «The Tempest»
Socotra was the prototype of Prospero Island mentioned in Shakespeare's play «The Tempest»

Some theorists of literature consider Socotra to be the prototype of Prospero Island mentioned in Shakespeare's play «The Tempest».

History Culture
Mystery of the origin of Socotra's name
Mystery of the origin of Socotra's name

The origin of Socotra's name is still wrapped in mystery. The Socotrans call their island Sacatri.

Chronology of Yemen
Chronology of Yemen

Short Chronology of Yemen

Yemen History
Chronology of Socotra
Chronology of Socotra

The Socotrans have never mastered the written language. That is why they were unable to document and keep a chronicle of their history. Since ancient times it has been only their native nonliterate language the Socotran people used for communication. Therefore, the real history of this Archipelago is still little-known.

History Culture Pirates Vladimir Agafonov
    As far back as in Alexander of Maсedon’s times Socotra supplied a great deal of not only frankincense and myrrh, but also Dragon’s blood, which was rubbed in by gladiators before combats for quick wound healing.