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Premiere: Socotra on REN-TV
Premiere: Socotra on REN-TV

Premiere of a documentary film by Vladimir Melnik "Socotra: UNKNOWN TALE" scheduled from 20th to 22th December in "Unknown Planet" Program on the REN-TV Russian channel (Moscow). The film sarts from this Monday, 06:00 AM MSK (MSK = UTC/GMT+3).

Events frankincense Oldowan
Important discoveries of Russian archaeological expedition on Socotra
Important discoveries of Russian archaeological expedition on Socotra

Preliminary Report of the Russian Interdisciplinary Mission to the Republic of Yemen submitted to the General Organisation of Antiquities and Museums (G.O.A.M.), Season 2009

Archeology Oldowan
Socotra: Archeologic Sensation
Socotra: Archeologic Sensation

In November 2008 Russian archeologists discovered ancient stone tools on the Socotra Island. In view of the fact that scientists relate the things found to Oldowan (earlier spelled Olduwan or sometimes Oldawan), the first known tool complex in prehistory, this finding can be regarded as a worldwide archeologic sensation.

oldowan Archeology
    Socotra has been famous for pearl fishery since the earliest times. The Socotrans are excellent free divers.