Socotra for sailors


Sailing on Socotra, Arabian Sea, Indian OceanSocotra is absolutely calm and safe place. There are no pirates on Socotra.

"Socotra Tamam Tour Operator" working as marine agent since 2014 when Socotra was reopened by russian sailors.

Every year we receive about 30 yachts, most of which come to Socotra for refueling.

We arrange all the necessary documents on Socotra, help you to fill the boat with water and fuel, buy food, do your laundry etc.




Anchorage place on Socotra (sea port) - 12°40.50 N - 54°04.44 E.

For summer time (15-20 of May - 15 of September - other place near seaport without any waves and strong wind like in sea port area)

Is better to come in a day time and drop the anchor more east  from seaport. You will find a few cargo ships with long ancorage ropes. Take care.

You have to wait aboard till seсurity come to the boat for  custom and immigration control. Sea port dont have VHF (or dont use it).

For seaport autorities your agent is Ghanem Ali.

He will  organizes everything you need on Socotra.

His phone  +967770272222 (WhatsApp)

If possible, it is better to call him before coming to Socotra  and he will meet you in sea port with VHF ch. 72


To go ashore or you want to stay more then 48 hours you need a  visa (200 USD per person).

Visa we can make by copy of your passports. Better to do it before coming. But we can arrange it when you come in 1-2 days.

The immigration office and security services at the port are asked to notify the arrival in advance. Therefore, it would be great if you send us short information - the name of the boat (registration), crew info and ETA to 

All fees for clearance including agent's services is 260 USD.

For refueling (just short stop on Socotra without go ashore) the fees + agent services including transport will be 190 USD

Plus 15 USD you will pay for local fishermen boat which bring passport and customs
control aboard + 4 USD per person for seaport fees.

Food purchase - 50 USD (with or without you)
Prices vary, the average bill for a basket for 3-4 people is 200-300 USD

We recommend buying on Socotra:

  • very unusual and delicious bananas, which are stored for a very long
  • the most delicious tomatoes in the world (according to the season)
  • Papaya, Guava (other vegetables imported)
  • Dates in vacuum packaging are very cheap
  • Good bread different kind
  • very unique resins from Socotra Island - frankincense, myrrh and dragon's blood. Myrrh and dragon's blood should be kept on the boat as an urgent means of salvation from toothache and internal bleeding and ulcers

Transfer Seaport - Hadibo and back - 30 USD, day trip 100 USD for Toyota Landcruiser with local english-speaking driver/guide (car can take 4 person).

There is no internet-cafe in the city but you can use  Internet  at Ghanem office or rent for you SIM-card from ETISALAT (UAE) with which you can get Internet

1 USD = ~1250 Yemeni Rial (YR) (05.2023)

There is ATM on Hadibo (capital) but the official rate is very  bad compare to black market. So, is better to use cash. On Socotra they dont accept dollars < 2006 y.o.

Fuel now is 1.5$ per lt if you buy less then 100 l .  The price can change (depend of rate YR-USD) But for bigger amount we have to make special permission from the governor (not a problem, but it takes one day) and the price will be 1800 YR per liter.

Water cost 50$ per car (2000 lt) but in this case you have to pay 30$ to come inside port. Same for big amount of fuel.

Dogs are not allowed on the island!  If you have a dog on board, you can't let it go ashore!


IIf you have any questions, write us an email or a whatsapp +905356373273 (Denis Romanov) for more prompt communication.



Sailor's letter: Socotra, Paradise island
Sailor's letter: Socotra, Paradise island

"Touching land countless faces smiling and all curious, who were these people. I announced: "I am happy to finally be back in Africa", to which they replied, "No no, this is the Middle East!" Awesome. Socotra tamam! Socotra good! An expression one quickly learns through osmosis as it is a common expression people often times ask you on the island of Socotra. Though this is a common Arabic expression, the local language Socotri is, as the name suggests, a local language whose roots is one step older than Arabic."

Sailing on Socotra quadcopter photos
Sailing cruisers on Socotra
Sailing cruisers on Socotra

During February-March 2015 several sailing boats made a stop on Socotra.

Sailing on Socotra Sea Port Development
Report of sailing yacht Delta
Report of sailing yacht Delta

Sailing boat "Delta" which is traveling around the world was the first boat coming to Socotra in recent years.

Sailing on Socotra Sea Port Development
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    Guido Adler was the first one in studying Socotran folk music.