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Over the mountain peaks to the south of Hadibo, the capital of Socotra
Over the mountain peaks to the south of Hadibo, the capital of Socotra

Probably everyone who looked at the mountains from Hadibo wanted to see what's out there, far away ...

Hadiboh Trekking Archer Mumi attractions
Socotran eels
Socotran eels

A small fresh water stream in Archer is a habitat of a big colony of eels.

Eel Archer Nature
Sand dunes of Archer
Sand dunes of Archer

High snow-white sand dunes in the northeast of the island make one of the most beautiful places on Socotra.

Archer Wind
Sand Dunes in Archer
Sand Dunes in Archer

This place is a popular camping site between two big dunes. It is the sand coast of a fresh-water stream flowing out of a cave.

Archer Attractions Camping Beach Sea Dunes
    Some theorists of literature consider Socotra to be the prototype of Prospero Island mentioned in Shakespeare's play «The Tempest».