Sand dunes of Archer

Дюны в Archer

Not far from the Erissel Cape one can see the highest dunes of Socotra. The dunes were formed by monsoon winds blowing during all three summer months on Socotra. The rock massif captures cold air streams coming from south-west, which fall down at a speed of up to 30 m/sec. The wind takes up the coast sand in a spiral and, as a result, forms the snow-white Socotran sand dunes.

Though they seem to be low gradient, one has to be capable of great endurance to climb the dunes – it is very difficult and wearisome to go up on loose sand. It will take you more than one hour to reach the top of the dunes. But doing that, you will be rewarded by breath-taking views on the Arabic sea and the Erissel Cape. You can also explore one of caves that more than enough here. Don’t forget to take a couple of bottles with water.

There is a fresh water stream between the dunes. This place is very popular both among the locals coming here from Hadoboh for the weekend and tourists. It is very interesting to stay in tents between the dunes but this place is very populous and becomes dirty after a high season.

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    The north-western part of Socotra is planned for construction of a new sea port. The field research works are about to be completed.