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New trekking routes - the descent into the canyon Dixam
New trekking routes - the descent into the canyon Dixam

This season we have worked for some new hiking trails. One of them - on foot descent into the canyon Dixam.

Dixam Trekking
On the further side of Dixam Plato
On the further side of Dixam Plato

Our next company was Sheikh Noah Abu Amer who lives near the forest of Dragon’s Blood Trees.

Video Dixam
Fairy-tale forest
Fairy-tale forest

After overnight stop in the canyon of Wadi Dirhur you can go for a walk through the primeval forest of Dragon Trees in the morning.

Dixam Wadi Dirhur Trekking
Dixam - Skant
Dixam - Skant

The canyon part from Dixam to Skant is one of the most interesting places for trekking.

Dixam Skant Trekking Canyons
Wadi Dirhur Canyon

From Dixam Plateau we went down to Wadi Dirhur Canyon, where it is good to stay in tents overnight and to swim in natural pools before going on.

Wadi Dirhur Dixam Canyons
Dragon’s blood on Dixam Plateau
Dragon’s blood on Dixam Plateau

Dixam mountain plateau is located in the very center of Socotra. It is a habitat of Dragon Trees that have been famous since remote antiquity.

Dixam Dragon blood tree
Dragon Tree in Dixam Plateau
Dragon Tree in Dixam Plateau

Dixam Plateau is located in the central part of Socotra. It is famous for its Dragon Trees.

Dixam Attractions Canyons Bottle tree Dragon blood tree
    In the central part of the East China Sea there is also Socotra Island. It is interesting to note that both Socotra islands are indirectly related to each other.