Old log canoes

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You can find a quantity of old log canoes throughout Socotra’s coast. For example, if you come to Aomak and go to the right you will see two canoes stranded by the last tsunami.

Most of them will never go to sea, though some exemplars are in a good state of preservation and may be quite usable for coastal fishing or netting after doing some repair works (on the photo you can see a Socotran man doing the necessary repairs).

All old canoes were brought to Socotra from Africa, a country of their origin. On Socotra there are no trees suitable for making canoes. One can only envision how brave and courageous one has to be to come here by boats from the mainland in a season of monsoon winds!    

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    In the central part of the East China Sea there is also Socotra Island. It is interesting to note that both Socotra islands are indirectly related to each other.