Quality holidays on Socotra with SOCOTRA TAMAM
Photos by Denis Romanov
In Hadibo, the capital of Socotra, we offer two newly constructed 2-3* hotels notable for relative cleanness and order.
Our mission is to show you the island in such a way that you remember it as one of the most unusual travels in your life. We offer you our knowledge of the island, the services of high-skilled and responsible Socotran guides knowing European languages, reliable and comfort transport, interesting non-standard routes, specially prepared meals and a great deal of new and unexpected impressions.
Some theorists of literature consider Socotra to be the prototype of Prospero Island mentioned in Shakespeare's play «The Tempest».
As far back as in Alexander of Maсedon’s times Socotra supplied a great deal of not only frankincense and myrrh, but also Dragon’s blood, which was rubbed in by gladiators before combats for quick wound healing.
The origin of Socotra's name is still wrapped in mystery. The Socotrans call their island Sacatri.
The offered programs shall be regarded as basic ones developed for visiting the island’s most famous places, having overnight stops at Hadiboh’s hotels or at camping sites
Our mission is to show you the island in such a way that you will remember it as one of the most unusual trips in your life.
Just imagine that you appear on another planet with strange surrealistic trees resembling turned umbrellas or walk through a Jurassic park where from time to time you meet fantastical bottle trees edging the ragged peaks of the mountains hiding beyond the clouds or the brooks leading to the oases surrounded by luxuriant vegetation, a habitat of a great variety of species of the ancient world.
Sana'a is one of the ancient Yemeni cities dating back to the Sabaean dynasty of the 6th Century BC. The oldest written reference to its existence is found in inscriptions which date back to the 1st century AD. It is suggested that Sana'a was the capital of the Himyarite kingdom at the onset of the 6th century AD.
Short Chronology of Yemen
Two men loved each other - because the men were brothers. One day one of them said to the other: - Brother, do you know what will separate us? - What? - the other said. - Woman's work,- the first said. - Woman's work? It's impossible!- his brother said." Fatima Salim, who is telling me this oldest tale, doesn't stop sewing and the voice of her sewing machine accompanies the story. Fatima, who never went to school in her life, is sitting on the entrance of her family's cave. She doesn't know that a story like this one - about the two brothers and the dishonest wife of one of them - was once recorded in ancient Egypt over 3000 years ago for the Crown Prince Seti and is kept now as a great value in the Papiry collection of the British Museum.
Like in Yemen Socotran men wear skirts.
The Socotrans greet each other by touching their noses.
Other interesting photos made by the Socotran guides
Life of islanders in photos