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Socotra’s secluded nooks
Socotra’s secluded nooks

Besides usual touristic places Socotra has a great many secluded nooks that are also worth visiting.

Trekking Mumi
Hoq Cave
Hoq Cave

It will take you more than an hour to get to Hoq Cave following a mountain trail leading through round stones and bushes.

Hoq Caves Trekking
Trekking route from north to south
Trekking route from north to south

The trekking route from Rush camping to Matiaf village is worth taking.

Trekking Camels Mumi Caves
Dixam - Skant
Dixam - Skant

The canyon part from Dixam to Skant is one of the most interesting places for trekking.

Dixam Skant Trekking Canyons
Central canyon
Central canyon

Despite its rather small size Socotra has many places rarely visited by tourists.

Trekking Canyons
Frankincense Tree in Ayaft
Frankincense Tree in Ayaft

Ayaft Gorge is the greenest place of Socotra. Its unique moisture-retaining microclimate is created by numerous springs and streams. It is the place where frankincense is harvested.

Ayaft Attractions Trekking
Socotra was a refuge for pirates for centuries.