Lower part of Wadi Dirhur canyon

Каньон Wadi Dirhur

Coming to Dixam the day before we stayed overnight at the bottom of the canyon and early morning headed for the Socotra’s south coast with backpacks full of water and food. It was not easy to go. Like everywhere in Socotra’s canyons we constantly had to look for ways to go between stones. From time to time we met fresh water pools formed by the streams blocked by gigantic round stones. We often had to go up hills through thick bushes.  

It looks like rains may raise a local water level up to 2-3 meters. It was interesting to walk through a stream channel and imagine the behavior of dangerous grade V-VI rapids that may be formed here by rapidly flowing streams of water.

It was getting dusky when we finally passed over the last turn of the canyon and saw the sea. It took us 10 hours to reach the south coast of the island.


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    Socotra suffers great losses from goats.