Claudius Schulze - Support my Socotra Book!



Dear Friends,

Socotra bookIt is over five years ago, that my interest in the very isle Socotra was ignited and almost one year, since I first set foot on it. In the mean time, I explored Socotra and the concept «island», spent over seven weeks worth of shooting on the island, got countless fleabites, took almost 20 000 pictures, walked my feet sore more than once, ruined two lenses and almost my knees, and spent all my savings. Now, after endless months of editing, the writing of many thousand words of text, and production of four dummies and one exhibition, I am at the point that I can proudly say: Yes! I am there; I have a book that is worth standing in one shelf with other great and famous volumes.

And this is what friends say who had chance to go through the complete volmume:

“Wow! This body of work is stunningly beautiful. It is magnificent. It is striking and powerful, but also luscious. Bravo!” Ed Kashi, Photographer, National Geographic.

“When you look at Claudius’ panoramics of Socotra, it’s as if you’re immersed in the place 360 degrees.  His photographs of the people there draw you into their lives.” Elizabeth Krist, Senior Photo Editor, National Geographic.

“This photography is visual journalism of the finest kind – powerful, important, and gorgeous.” Andreas Trampe, Head of Photo Department, STERN magazine.

“It’s not an Adam Broomberg and Oliver Chanarin fine arts project, nor is it a photo-naïve National Geographic magazine story, nor is it Alex Webb – just purely visual response – , nor is it ethnographical photography – it is all these great things together. It is a rare example of visually powerful, critical, sophisticated, and intelligent photography.” Paul Lowe, Professor, University of The Arts London.


On almost 130 pages and 50 photographs, the volume explores one of the most bizarre places on earth. The magic and fantasy of the place is intriguing and the isle is the perfect scene for a visual journey into the concept of islands.

The book is ready to print – I just got first quotes of printing houses. The devastating news is: Nearly 10,000 Euro printing costs alone! I do not have this money but I believe nonetheless in my book – and I believe in you!

Help me pull this project off – to make the printing of my book possible, I need 100 supporters! Supporters who pre-order books and help me advance money for the print. If you pledge a minimum of 50 Euro for me now, you will be named in the book, you will receive a 20*30cm print of one of the photographs in the book, and – of course – a numbered and signed copy of my Socotra book!

Please support my project! I can go only on print if 100 people pledge for me. (For now, you just have to pledge. As soon as I found enough supporters, you can pay by wire transfer or PayPal.)

(Die-hard collectors and supporters only: I will hand-make an edition of five books. These will be covered in manually with Dragon Blood resin (acquired on Socotra) dyed goat leather, hand-bound according to old traditions and pigment-printed on heavy gallery-grade paper. These five exclusive volumes are numbered and signed, plus you will be specially acknowledged on the first page of regular edition. In addition, you will get a limited (edition of 12) 30*40cm signed and numbered print of a photograph of your choice as on show in London (there sold for 300 Euro.) Collector’s price: 1250 Euro)

Please support my work and pledge for it! It is a great book and worth to be brought out there!


Thank you for your help!



Socotra – the Idea of an Island, Strange and Magical: ca. 128 pages, 47 large colour photographs including 6 fold out panoramas, two essays. Hard cover, 20*30cm. ca. 45 Euro plus shipping.


You can see some photos here





← Fictions about Socotra followed by provocative analyticsFire in Socotra →
Comments ()
    In the central part of the East China Sea there is also Socotra Island. It is interesting to note that both Socotra islands are indirectly related to each other.