Booking tours to Socotra for 2011-2012

While the overall situation in the Arab world is far from stability, we begin the tourist season in Socotra. Now the situation in Sana'a, the capital of Yemen, is stable.

Our travel partners in Sana'a and Socotra are ready to receive tourists. Visas are issued by the previous scheme - we issue a visa in advance, which, upon arrival in the country, is pasted into your passport.

This season, tourist programs on mainland Yemen will not be offered due to security reasons, but you might as well spend a day or two in Sana'a (we recommend you do not miss this unique city) or just fly to Socotra passing examination of the capital.

Felix Airway opened a new flight UAE (Sharja) - Socotra, so you can get to the island without going through the capital of Yemen.

From October to April, we organize tours with trained guides escort on Socotra, speaking different languages.

Travel Company "Socotra Eco-Tours", uniting the best guides on the island, recently received a special accreditation from Ministry of Tourism for Socotra and from this moment is our partner.

We can offer you a variety of programs ranging from a relaxing beach holiday to trekking routes or real missions.

If you want to save on the cost of the trip, we'll help you find travel companions, thus forming a small group of your program. Write us your wishes and we will announcing a trip to our site.

You can use our booking system. To do this you must fill out a quick reservation or register on the site and go to "Reservations". The system allows communications between you and our manager (Sana'a, Socotra). Also as usual, you can send us regular mail at book @


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Comments ()
    Soviet military base has never been established in Socotra.