What to do in Hadibo - the capital of Socotra

Coast near Hadibo - capital of SocotraFor those who decided to spend the night in Hadiboh, it makes sense to go early in the morning with a camera on the beach, walk to the fish market and return to Hadibo along the wadis.

You will be provided successful memorable images.

Leaving the hotel at 6 o'clock, reach the market streets, drink Bedouin tea with Socotran donuts, which are prepared in Socotran shop near the site of the sale of livestock.





← Over the mountain peaks to the south of Hadibo, the capital of SocotraDetwah Lagoon →
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    In the central part of the East China Sea there is also Socotra Island. It is interesting to note that both Socotra islands are indirectly related to each other.