The final part of the trekking



The last part of trekking trip to Socotra was the heaviest. The guys walked the bottom of the canyon Wadi Dirhur to the mountainous part of Skant, then descended into the gorge Ayaft.

The last day was also not easy - spent the night on the beach at Camel beach, they decided to shorten the way to the airport and accidentally entered the runway, after which they met with local police, who reacted to the situation politely and calmly.

During the month, held on the island, the guys never come across aggression or confusion on the part of local residents. Now, after several months, they remember the warm welcome they have provided Socotrans all the time. They believe it is more impressive than all the beauty of the island!

For our part we want to say "thank you" to our new friends who showed us many interesting points for photography.




← Tourism grows on SocotraThe second part of the trek - through the plateau Mumi to the shores of Indian Ocean →
Comments ()
    In the central part of the East China Sea there is also Socotra Island. It is interesting to note that both Socotra islands are indirectly related to each other.