Wadi Dirhur Canyon


Wadi Dirhur, Socotra

Passing by Dixam Plateau you can go down a steep earth-road to Wadi Dirhur Canyon. If you get tired of rough riding we would recommend you to leave your car and go by foot to the canyon floor, where you can have a swim in a small fresh water pool.

Local Socotran guides do not like having overnight stops in canyons. As local legends have it, the local canyons are inhabited by genies and it is quite possible to meet a ghost woman here after sundown.  People say that this explains the fact that a small settlement near the water pool is devoid of inhabitants.   

However, it looks like Europeans do not meet any ghosts on Socotra. That is why, when reaching the canyon floor and turning to the left from the road you will find a number of convenient camping sites for overnight stops.  Here you can put up a tent, make a fire and cook a fish brought with you or a goatling bought from local people.

If you have enough time we would recommend you to go up the other side of the canyon. A half-day trekking route will allow you to see an unusual project view of the canyon. The return way lies through a dense forest of Dragon Trees where you will feel like “Alice in Wonderland”.

The Canyon is inhabited by birds of all kinds. It is really very interesting to watch birds. If you specially buy a pack of dates in Hadiboh to feed birds you will be very amused by seeing how they like them. Except birds the date is also favorite food of wild Socotran cats living in a palm-tree wood. Being careful and taking a good flashlight you will be able to see their luminous eyes and even approach them two-tree meters. They are very graceful animals with leopard spots and a striped tail, who like dates more than fish or meat. During off-seasons these cats usually steal dried dates from locals.


Photos of Wadi Dirhur Canyon:



← Detwah Lagoon - the main beach of SocotraDragon Tree in Dixam Plateau →
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    There are many spelling variants of the name of the Island.