Fairytale country

Сказочные места Сокотры

Socotra’s foothill gorges harbor dozens of grottos and caves. One feels here like being in a fairytale country!

To get here one has to drive hard through a labyrinth of the plateau earth-roads winding between low but thick bushes. After reaching the brink you will see a narrow path leading to a big grotto (a 5 minute walk). 

We came here to picnic with a French group of linguists interested in Socotri, the unique language of Socotran people. After putting up tents under the big grotto roof we made a fire and cooked the fish brought along with us for supper.

In the morning I took a walk through a small canyon. Coming down to its bottom I appeared in a wonderful world reminding the theatrical scenery to a fine fairy tale of bewitched princesses. Even bottle trees, which I had seen many times before, look fantastic here.

For a wonder this interesting place is located not far from the airport, in a gorge next to Ayaft.



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    Socotra suffers great losses from goats.