The second cyclone Megh passed directly over Socotra island


Strong cyclone Megh passed directly over Socotra island.

Cyclone Megh on Socotra island

Cyclone Megh on Socotra island

Cyclone Megh on Socotra island

Cyclone Megh on Socotra island

Cyclone Megh on Socotra island

Half of our restaurant was destroyed.

Cyclone Megh on Socotra island

Cyclone Megh on Socotra island

Cyclone Megh on Socotra island

Cyclone Megh on Socotra island

The ship carrying humanitarian aid ran aground during a storm.

Ship aground on Socotra

← New direct flight Dubai-Socotra-DubaiCyclone Chapala. Storms over Socotra - before and after →
Comments ()
    During World War II Socotra was used as a basis for the Dutch squadron.