Panoramas of Socotra - Lagoon Detwah


Socotra island, Lagoon Detwah

Lagoon Detwah - the most famous place on Socotra.

At the main lookout point should not be lazy and climb the hill to the left - from there the picture is much better.

Another interesting point shooting is situated on a hill above the campsite. It can be reached directly by car, for this you must turn left before entering the campsite.

Anyone who is not afraid to climb hills, can climb up on a mountainside in the eastern part of the Lagoon. In the morning there a great view. Walking will take about two to three hours (do not forget to bring enough water). It is better to come back the same way. The descent from the mountains to the Lagoon pretty difficult.


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    Dragon tree's resin, you can buy on the Island, has strong antiseptic and immunostimulating properties.