Our partner is "Socotra Tamam" Tourist Agency

Our project has concluded contract with the tourist agency - "Socotra Tamam" that was registered at Socotra and given all the required state licenses not long ago.

Ghamen Ali

The agency is headed by Ganem Ali, the native of Socotra. It is a very honest and decent man who had been our reliable partner for years. Ganem has a great experience in guiding activities and, therefore, knows all the specific features of Socotra tourism.

The purpose of our cooperation is to provide high level touristic services. Socotra is too beautiful to deceive ourselves and other people. We do not chase after the great number of clients and are not going to enter into severe price competition on Socotra. 

We strive to show Socotra to its best advantage. Our programs are developed for active travelers who take interest in visiting new places, meeting interesting people and making nonstandard photos. We do not see any interest in just transporting tourists from one camping to another. We do not like staying at hotels, but prefer camping in the most picturesque places where our guests are able to see the most beautiful time of day – sunset and dawn. We do not save on food and consider healthy, delicious and various food to be one of the key moments of any holiday. Our resources are limited, that is why we work only with individual clients and small groups up to 6 people. So, our trips around Socotra can be regarded as ecological comfortable jeep-tours.  

Tourism Permit for SocotraOur prices are higher as compared to that offered by other tourist agencies. So, you have the right to choose. We cooperate only with the reliable guides and drivers and believe that our colleagues deserve an adequate salary. We strive to support local people who, as a rule, do not get anything from the presence of tourists at their territory. It is our strong contribution into development of the well-balanced eco-tourism on the island. We are sure that the restricted number of adequate visitors in every unique place of Socotra is a passport to successful touristic business on the island.
For your convenience we use the tour reservation system that allows you to reserve an individual tour, to find fellow travelers to reduce the cost of your tour or to join to our programmed group tours that will be announced in the near future.

We hope that our cooperation with the new agency will allow us to bring the Socotra touristic service up to the new level of higher quality.


Ismael Mohamed

Our manager on Socotra - Ismael Mohamed

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  • Comments: 0
  • Date: 06.07.2013
  • Author: Denis Romanov
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    Soviet military base has never been established in Socotra.